<Evasive Maneuver : Strolling Away >
work by collective Sulme & Jae-Nder Fluid
2022, Shortfilm
Duration : 00:13:45
Production partly supported by Thealit - Frauen.Kultur.Labor
Filming - Sulme (Yeosulme Kang) & Jae-Nder Fluid (Jaehwa Baek)
Direct - Sulme & Jae-Nder Fluid
Video Editing - Sulme & Jae-Nder Fluid
3D modeling & rendering - Jae-Nder Fluid (Jaehwa Baek)
Sound Design - Sulme (Yeosulme Kang)
Key cast - Jae-Nder Fluid (Jaehwa Baek)
“We put on masks on a daily basis. Sometimes, ironically, we believe that the masks are who we really are. We are afraid that if we take off the masks, there would be nothing but emptiness.”
Evasive Maneuver : Strolling Away is a short-film in which the narrative is carried by a figure on a mask; the mask represents their identity that is often marginalized by social norms, in this case, gender diverse and an immigrant.
This is also an autobiographical narrative of the collective duo themselves. The film was directed in Bremen near the artists’ flat, a home where they should feel themselves at most;
however the figure chooses to wear a mask and their gestures seem somewhat tense. The use of image modification, filming, 3D animation and face painting has its metaphoric implication and is delivered to portray the psychological state of a marginalized individual focused on their suppressed identity in relation to spatiality.

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<<Art of Emergency : Intermission A>> Thealit - Frauen.Kultur.Labor, Bremen, Germany, 12. 2022

<<Art of Emergency : Intermission A>> Thealit - Frauen.Kultur.Labor, Bremen, Germany, 12. 2022

<<HIAP Openstudio 2023 Autumn>>, HIAP Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland 10.2023

<<HIAP Openstudio 2023 Autumn>>, HIAP Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland 10.2023